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Distributed Consciousness (2023)

Working with artist Memo Akten to pre-visualize installations, I focused on 3D visualization and design, modeling assets within Blender and assembling them in Unreal Engine. 

The first of the projects was later exhibited at ACMI, Melbourne; more information can be found here. I specifically worked with UV mapping, lighting, and creating a system in Unreal Engine to easily change screen colors and videos, as well as adjust render settings such that it looked photorealistic. 

I also implemented a "smart" experience so that the user could either move around the space within Unreal's default window, or, if a Oculus Quest headset was detected, the "play" would switch to the headset - with full controller teleportation and other joystick movement integrated.

Above: In-game view with Oculus Quest

Below: Snapshot of the Unreal Engine map


Final installation view, ACMI, Melbourne (2023). Photo by Phoebe Powell

The second project similarly visualizes an installation space, for the Qualcomm Institute Gallery at the University of California, San Diego

I modeled the room, screens and textured everything within the scene.

Motion Graphics for Special Affects Films

I created the 3D models, lighting, and animation for this scene - to be used in a short film by Special Affects Films. I designed the logo in Illustrator and brought it to Blender for modeling and lighting. Edited in Premiere, the background was imported to Blender as a plane, with the entire animation rendered with Cycles.


Spaceship - Blender + Unreal Engine

Screenshot 2023-12-15 at 3.27.32 PM.png
Screenshot 2023-12-15 at 3.27.59 PM.png

This project is an immersive experience that is intended to be experienced in VR. It takes place on a spaceship, and has basic interactive elements.  I began by modeling everything in Blender, adding materials and textures, then brought the parts into Unreal for final texturing, lighting, shading and interactive elements & gameplay features.

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